miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015



Plants are living things. Plants are flowers, trees, and bushes. They need sunlight, water, air, and nutrients from the soil to grow.

 The children learned about the life cycle of plants. They learned that a plant's life starts with a seed. Then the plant grows tall and big. Finally the plant dies. 


What makes an animal a fish?

A fish is an animal that lives in water and swims. It has got scales, fins, gills, and lays eggs. Fish live in lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans. 

Each student brought a picture of a fish to put on the poster. We learned about clown fish, sword fish, tiger fish, sting rays, and sharks. 

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

Pictures of Different Birds

Pictures of different kinds of birds

Each child brought a picture of a bird for the poster. Some examples of birds include parrots, toucans, and parakeets. Some of the pictures were of birds commonly seen in Huelva, such as the stork and flamingo. 

First, each child talked about the picture of the bird they had.  Then they had to explain why it was a bird and finally, how it was different from a mammal.